Vitamax Plus As a full cycle fertilizer, Vitamax Plus contains essential nutrients and improves efficacy of any base nutrient. Key inputs support plant foliage and flower development. With low organic matter, this formula was designed for use in water culture systems.
- General: Mix 1−2 tsp per 1 gal of water (5−10 ml / 4 L) and soak soil/media with the solution.
- Young Plants: Mix 2 tsp per 1 gal of water (10 ml / 4 L). Use weekly.
- Vegetables or Herbs: Mix 2 tsp/gal (10 ml / 4 L). Use bi-weekly or more as needed.
- Exotic Plants, Orchids or Cacti: Mix 1 tsp per 1 gal of water (5 ml / 4 L). Use bi-weekly or more as needed.
- Flowering: Mix 1 tsp per 1 gal of water (5 ml / 4 L). Use weekly.
Vitamax Plus Key Features
- A boost of essential nutrients
- Contains mineral chelates
- Low sediment for hydroponic growing
- Total Nitrogen (N) .......... 1.0%
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) .......... 1.0%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) .......... 2.0%
- Magnesium (Mg) .......... 0.5%
Vitamax Plus is a beneficial addition to any fertilizer program, and is charged with nutrients to improve stem strength and root development.
Vitamax Plus is an excellent addition to your regular feeding program.
500ml, 1L, 4L, 10L, 23L
Plant Anti-Stress Formula
VitaMax™ is a scientifically created formula designed to encourage better root development, larger buds, blooms, fruits and flowers. Designed to be used as an additive to your regular nutrient, VitaMax helps increase plant development at the blooming and fruiting stages and reduces plant stress. Great for transplanting and rooting, VitaMax is a plant growth & bloom enhancer that contains many essential macro and chelated micro elements along with natural B vitamins.
VitaMax will maximize yield when applied before blooming or in the early fruiting stage. Use on a weekly basis by foliar feeding or watering.