The Enhancer now comes in a convenient refill pack! The TNB Naturals CO2 Refill Pack gives growers the ability to reuse their existing Enhancer bottle. While saving money and reducing their environmental footprint at the same time. Simply empty the contents of the original bottle and give the bottle a quick rinse. The contents of the Refill Pack can be added and instantly CO2 is once again available for use. Boosting plant production and improving overall health, CO2 is an essential element of photosynthesis and often one of the most overlooked components of plant growth. The TNB CO2 Refill Pack consists of the same great recipe while combining convenience and an amazing option for those looking for passive CO2. Research has shown that plants can use up to five times the CO2 that naturally occurs in the air. With The Enhancer known for delivering levels of CO2 only comparable to a propane or natural gas burner, there is no question many growers will be turning in their tanks and introducing CO2 with this safer and all natural method.
So how does more carbon dioxide lead to more plant growth anyway?
Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide make plants more productive because photosynthesis relies on using the sun’s energy to synthesise sugar out of carbon dioxide and water. Plants and ecosystems use the sugar both as an energy source and as the basic building block for growth.
When the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air outside a plant leaf goes up, it can be taken up faster, super-charging the rate of photosynthesis.
More carbon dioxide also means water savings for plants. More carbon dioxide available means pores on the surface of plant leaves regulating evaporation (called the stomata) can close slightly. They still absorb the same amount or more of carbon dioxide, but lose less water.
The resulting water savings can benefit vegetation in semi-arid landscapes that dominate much of Australia.
We saw this happen in a 2013 study, which analyzed satellite data measuring changes in the overall greenness of Australia. It showed more leaf area in places where the amount of rain hadn’t changed over time. This suggests water efficiency of plants increases in a carbon dioxide-richer world.