If you grew in the richest, most un-polluted outdoor soil, rootzones would swarm with beneficial microbes. They live symbiotically with your plants, swelling their roots and boosting harvests. However, hydroponic growing media is devoid of these micro-organisms. That's why you need Tarantula, whose beneficial bacteria promote other beneficial rhizospheric life.
They also inoculate the roots, safeguarding them by competing with and warding off harmful bacteria that can infect plants. And they even reduce tissue damage from heavy fertilizer salts. What's more, these beneficial bacteria directly increase plant growth and yields. They do this by releasing growth and bloom co-factors and aiding chlorophyll so your high-intensity lighting is more effective.
Finally, our proprietary production process ensures longer shelf life. So you get live microbes instead of dead ones when added to reservoir. Compatible with all pH Perfect Base Nutrients, as well as all other base nutrients and supplements.
Contains Non-Plant Food Ingredient(s):
Soil Organisms - 0.2%*
*66,000,000 cfu/mL - Arthrobacter globiformis
*10,000,000 cfu/mL - Bacillus mucilaginous
*12,000,000 cfu/mL - Bacillus coagulans
*10,000,000 cfu/mL - Bacillus licheniformis
*33,000,000 cfu/mL - Paenibacillus polymyxa
*10,000,000 cfu/mL - Bacillus subtilis
*33,000,000 cfu/mL - Bacillus pumilus
Inert Ingredients:
Water - 99.8%
Now You Can Enrich Your Garden’s Root Zone with Precision Strains of Bacteria, Hand-selected by the World’s Sharpest Leading Microbiologists!
And instead of relying on weak formulations and praying for the best . . .
You’ll be 100% confident that you’ve nourished your garden with best-in-class bacterial strains, chosen to optimize the foundation of your premium plants.
You see, we’ve spared no expense in engineering Tarantula® . . .
Today, it’s used by growers in 107 countries — and counting.
And when you unleash the power of these microbes . . .
You’re delivering 10 million CFU per gram to your root zone . . .
Creating a thick, robust gateway for nutrients that boost compound-rich flower.
Now, we always recommend you use Voodoo Juice®, our flagship product for roots.
But here’s the thing . . .
When you supplement Voodoo Juice’s root zone superpowers with Tarantula . . .
You’ll Develop a Rich, Lively Root Zone that Rivals the Most Fertile Soils on Earth
And unlock the immense, yield-boosting benefits you get from a lively root zone.
After you put Tarantula to work in your garden . . .
- You can rest assured your high-value nutrition reaches every pocket of your plant for optimal vitality and peak performance.
- You make iron and phosphorus more available to your cannabis plants . . . and even convert inorganic or locked-out forms of these nutrients into absorbable nutrition! (A lot of our growers use Tarantula to ensure their plants are getting enough phosphorus for maximum yields)
- You’ll be blown away watching spindly roots transform into a thick, muscular transportation system for efficient delivery of critical nutrition.
And you’ll enjoy the massive yields you’ve put so much effort into cultivating. Simply because you invested in hand-selected bacteria that nourish your root zone.
Imagine the peace of mind you’ll feel knowing your crop is intaking everything it needs to reach its full potential . . . And will reward you with bountiful, potent flowers.
Stack it with Voodoo Juice, and watch first-hand how your plants respond to a lively, well-colonized foundation.