Black Storm is a great way of improving your soil structure. It increases the buffering properties of soil and hydroponic solutions. It improves seed germination and viability as well as increases nutrient uptake.
Black Storm accelerates cell division, stimulates root formation and root growth. Using will give you a healthier plant life cycle that will naturally fight off predators and disease ensuring ultimate results.
For a pure clean product you need to start with pure clean raw material, uncontaminated from polluted groundwater and industrial toxins. We extract the humic and fulvic acids for Black Storm from highly bioactive leonardite, high in essential trace minerals and low in sodium and heavy metals. Our leonardite comes direct from our own mine located in the pristine uncontaminated boreal forest of northern Canada. Through ion exchange capacity, auxin-like hormonal activity, chelating action, and other benefits, Black Storm will benefit all phases of plant life.
Here are just a few of the properties of Black Storm:
- Aids in photosynthesis
- Stimulates plant enzymes
- Increases vitamin content of plants
- Increases water-holding capacity of soils
- Increases aeration of the soil
- Improves soil structure and workability
- Helps plants resist drought
- Reduces soil erosion
- Maximize seed germination and viability
- Stimulates root formation and growth
- Increase nutrient uptake
- Increase yields and quality
- Improve soil structure
- Stimulates root respiration
- Enhances cell division
- Soil Conditioner
- Nutrient Transport
- Herbs
- Vegetables
NPK Values
0 - 0 - 2
Humics & Fulvics
For crops, humic and fulvic acids are chelators. They combine minerals to make them into organic compounds that can be ingested by plants more easily. They also enable the soil to hold more water and can increase the water infiltration of the soil. Additionally, humic and fulvic acids restrict toxins present in the soil, reducing the amount of harmful substances that reach the crop’s roots.